Over time we evolve. We change how we approach others, or how we allow others to approach us. We develop new mindsets and kill off pieces of ourselves off due to our experiences. This can happen artistically, mentally, socially, spiritually, or whatever piece of you that maybe in evolution. In any case, the pain for killing those pieces off is necessary.
As an artist, I always wonder how much of myself I should reveal to the world. Do I go out here naked and raw; showing the good, bad, and the ugly. Do I promote myself as a saint or Mr. Rodgers, when I love Punk Rock, Gangster-Rap and causing a ruckus? Do I promote myself a philosopher and teacher who wants to teach kids life lesson? OR do I promote myself as the mellow- nobody- blend- in skater who just wants to be seen by my Pit bull named "Dude"?
In any case, that would be projecting myself in too basic of a light. So let me come here to make mistakes, to overshare, to under share, and to evolve...
-The Honey Clock